by Mark Peck | Jun 2, 2023 | Featured
Children’s Dream Adventures is co-hosting a FREE Wildland Firefighter Academy with the Florida Forest Service for transitional aged (17-25yo) foster youth and youths that have lost a parent, sibling, and/or other primary caregiver.Students will need to be 18...
by Mark Peck | May 12, 2023 | Featured
Children’s Dream Adventures would like to give an enormous THANK YOU to Chapter 282 in Clearwater, FL for helping us deliver “Hope & Smiles” to foster kids and children who have lost a parent, sibling, and/or other primary caregiver at...
by Mark Peck | May 11, 2023 | Featured
Are you a current or former foster or kinship youth that needs a state issued photo ID? Children’s Dream Adventures would like to inform you about an amazing program from Project ID and our partner iFoster. This program covers the costs of getting or replacing...
by Mark Peck | May 5, 2023 | Featured
May is mental health awareness month and Children’s Dream Adventures is committed to providing support for grieving and foster youth. Foster youths are 80% more likely to suffer from mental health issues. Children’s Dream Adventures wants to ensure they...
by Mark Peck | Apr 26, 2023 | Featured
Did you know that every time you shop on, you can support grieving children and foster kids by rounding up your change and donating it to Children’s Dream Adventures? Visit our Children’s Dream Adventures WalmartSparkGood profile and click...