Thank You Google Ad Grants and ie University

Thank You Google Ad Grants and ie University

Children’s Dream Adventures would like to thank Google Ad Grants and their Nonprofit Marketing Immersion Program for matching our organization with an awesome team of interns from ie University in Madrid, Spain who will be creating and managing our first Google...
The date has been set!

The date has been set!

Children’s Dream Adventures is partnering with Chapter 282 in Clearwater, FL to co-host an exclusive Young Eagles Rally for grieving children and foster kids on May 6th, 2023. Registration information will be announced near the end of March or beginning of...
CDA partnering with Eckerd College

CDA partnering with Eckerd College

Children’s Dream Adventures would love to give a huge shout out and enormous thank you to #Eckerd College, Marketing Professor Nina Bergbrant, and marketing students Camryn Batycki , Colby Hook, Vinny Vega, Avery Beauchaine, and Kaya McEwen Lopez! CDA was one of...